tl;dr: If you're just here for how I put together a simple, responsive authentication solution for glanceapp, you can skip to here.
Taking a break from thinking about products (well,
Thinking about player value should be top of mind as a game-oriented product manager. Scratch that. Thinking about value should be top of mind as any flavor of product manager.
How you define
Many years ago, for my Master's in Industrial / Organizational Psychology, I wrote about virtual organizations and culture. This was before Zoom, Slack, Teams, Google Meets all invaded our lives and became
They say that every journey starts with taking the first step. But you've never started a product or a game from scratch. Sure, you have ideas, we all do.
But you&
Mechanus is the plane of law and order, or so I remember from Planescape guides from 2nd Edition. For many reasons, the idea of a plane of existence ruled by, what my young